The City of Manhattan Beach Senior Softball Association (MBSSA) shall be governed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of the Commissioner, Coordinator and Sponsors or their designated Team Managers. The Commissioner chairs the Executive Board and is responsible for contact with the City of Manhattan Beach. The Coordinator shall maintain the directory of all players, develop the league schedule and maintain email contact with the players. The purpose of this league is to promote competition, good sportsmanship, friendship, camaraderie and recreation. The desire to win must be tempered with tolerance, and the appreciation of participation. Rules against foul language, trash talk and other unsportsmanlike conduct will be enforced, and violators sanctioned.
    The current rule book of SENIOR SOFTBALL USA (SSUSA) shall govern play, except as modified by the rules of MBSSA. Code of Ethics is presented in the SSUSA Rule Book and on the Manhattan Beach Senior Softball Association website.
    a. Players must turn sixty (60) years old during the calendar year to be eligible to play. Each team is allowed one player that is fifty nine (59) years old on the roster.
    b. Players must be able to safely perform softball activities (running, catching, throwing and batting) as to not harm himself or others.
    c. New players are subject to the Eligibility rules. Players that are not recruited by existing teams will be placed on the current Last
    Place team if needed which will have first choice of placement. Subsequently, the player will be offered if needed to the next team up on the previous season standings.
    Runner may over-run any base, as long as there is no intent or motion on his part (umpire’s judgment) to advance to the next base or home plate. If he over-runs a base, and then intends to advance further, he must return to the base just reached, before continuing to the next base, the exception is first base. Runners may also over-run a base when returning to that base. There will be no intentional diving or sliding into a base. Such action will result in the runner being automatically called out. It is not protestable.
    a. Runner must touch the orange first base mat on the right side of the foul line or have his foot down across the first base limit line before the defender receives the ball, unless he is continuing on to second base. If the defender is in the act of fielding a batted ball, the runner must avoid making contact with the fielder or be called out. However, if a defensive play has drawn the defender into the path of the runner, it is the judgment of the umpire to call Obstruction on the defender or Interference on the runner.
    b. Runners can’t leave a base until the pitched ball crosses home plate or is hit. Penalty: “No pitch” declared, ball is dead, runner is out.
    c. Runners reaching a base almost simultaneously but not ahead of the throw to the defensive player is declared out. If a base runner attempts to return to his previous base and almost simultaneously reaches that base after the defensive player receives the thrown ball, he is declared out. If the base runner stops running before reaching a base, he may be tagged out, as if caught in a “Pickle Play”.
    d. On plays to any base, the base runners must avoid stepping directly on the bases to avoid colliding with the defensive players, doing this by stepping on either side of the bases, crossing line extended from front of each base. Runner must cross line opposite from where defensive throw is coming from or be declared “out” (Judgment call). Any player committing this a second time will be declared “out of game”. If a defensive play has drawn the defender into the path of the runner, it is the judgment of the umpire to call Obstruction on the defender or Interference on the runner.

    Once a runner has reached base, his manager may call time out, and request a substitute runner.
    a. There is no limit on the number of courtesy runners that can be used, except that no player can be a courtesy runner more than once each inning.
    b. A courtesy runner on base when it’s his turn to bat is declared out at bat, but he may remain on base. (Substitution for a courtesy runner is prohibited)
    c. Pick-up players must be 60 or over and cannot be run for and cannot run for roster players.
    5. SCORING
    All plays at home plate are a force out, with the obvious exception of foul balls. Only home plate (not the mat extension) must be used by the defensive player attempting to record an out at home. The defensive player may not tag the runner between the “Commit Line” and home plate. For a run to count, the runner’s foot must make contact with the scoring plate before the ball is in the defensive player’s control and the defensive’s player’s foot is in contact with home plate.
    a. Commitment Line: Is drawn bisecting the third base line, 20 feet from the left front corner of home plate. A runner having reached or passed this commitment line, is “committed”, and must continue on toward the scoring line.
    b. A 90 degree angle to the third base line, beginning 5-feet from this point, providing a 5-foot wide path outside the corner of the batter’s box. Also there is a scoring base on the scoring line 5-6 feet from the corner of the batter’s box.
    c. In attempting to score, consider that there is a corridor or path outside the third base batter’s box. If a runner crosses over the batter’s box or touches home plate or mat extension, the runner is out.
    In a nine inning game, there is a limit of five (5) runs per inning during the first eight (8) innings and the 9th inning is unlimited runs. The exception to this would be when umpire declares “last inning” because of time limit.
    a. If both managers agree before the beginning of the “last inning” (which is the open inning), and the home team is ten or more runs behind, the home team may bat before the visiting team. (Flip-Flop).
    b. The Mercy Rule shall be used after the 7th inning when a team has a lead of 15 runs or more.
    Starting time is 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. There is a ten (10) minute grace period for the first game only.
    a. Games will be 9 innings if time allows. Umpire will declare at the 1 hour 40 minute point of each game, “Next inning is open inning and last inning.
    b. The Coordinator, DENNIS LEW (310-378-7455) will update teams on cancellation because of weather conditions. The umpire may call a game due to any unsafe conditions arising from weather or other causes. If less than five (5) complete innings have been played and the score is tied, the game will be rescheduled and played from the beginning. If not tied, the game will be rescheduled and played from the point the game was called. If five (5) or more innings have been played and the game is tied, the rescheduled game will pick up at the point of postponement. If not tied the score will be final as of the last completed inning.
    Appeal play procedures are outlined in SSUSA Rule 1.1. The ball does not have to be thrown to a base. Protest procedures are outlined in SSUSA Rule 1.55. Protests must be in writing, containing all relevant information, and submitted to an Executive Board Member (not involved in the protested game) no later than the completion of the next week’s schedule games. The Executive Board will consider the protest as soon as reasonably possible. Members of the Board in a protested game will not vote on that protest. A majority of the Board Members voting is necessary to sustain the protest. The Executive Board consists of the team managers and the Commissioner.
    Only the manger or his appointed representative can question the decision of the umpire. If an individual persists in arguing, the umpire will issue that individual a warning. Any additional arguing by that individual after the warning has been give on the play involved or an immediate subsequent play, will result in the umpire ejecting the player from the game. The player involved will be suspended from his team’s next game. This rule is not protestable.
    A player who resorts to violence, by making physical contact with another player or umpire will be automatically ejected from the game, and suspended a maximum of the next four (4) games. A second offense of this type will result in expulsion from the league for one season. This penalty shall apply only to the player who instigated the violence. If two (2) or more are guilty, the penalty shall apply to each player.
    Teams will defensively consist of eleven (11) players. All teams must have a minimum of eight (8) roster players before game time, less than eight (8) players, they must forfeit. If a team is short players at game time, then they may pick up a maximum of two (2) players 60 years old and play the game with ten (10) players. The substitute players can only play right field or catching positions, and must bat at the bottom of the batting order. They run and bat for themselves, but cannot run for other players. Substitute players may not be used in the playoffs.
    a. DEAD BALL RULES are covered in SSUSA Rule Book, Rule 1.16. Remember that the ball is in play, unless it has rolled out of bounds or time out has been called by an umpire.
    b. A pitchers net is used to protect the pitcher. The net is to be placed approximately three feet in front and centered with the pitchers rubber. The net can only be moved within the designated location to accommodate left or right handed pitching. The first batted ball to hit the net is a strike the second ball to hit the net is an out. Any ball hitting any part of the net is a strike and a dead ball. The pitcher is not allowed to step in front of the net before batter hits ball. Penalty: Dead ball, batter awarded 1st base.
    c. Any foul tip ball regardless if it’s over the batter’s head caught by the catcher is an out.
    d. Pitcher may have 3 warm up throws after the 1st inning. Infielders and outfielders may not take warm ups after the 1st inning.
    e. Batters will start with a 0 Ball and 0 Strike count. After batter has 2 strikes called the next batted ball must be fair.
    f. Any foul ball hit over the netting along the left field sideline is ruled an out.
    13. PLAYERS
    a. A team may pick-up a new player or players anytime during the season. New player must show verification of age to opposing manager before participating. All players must participate in a minimum of 4 games during the season to be eligible for the playoffs.
    b. If a player expresses a desire, for personal or any other reasons, to leave his present team, then he must go to the last place team if accepted by them, if not excepted or needed by last place team, he goes to the next team up in order but not to a team higher in the standings. The exception to this is that a player could be allowed to go to a higher standing team only if a majority of the Executive Committee agree on the player move. A player may sit out one (1) full season and go to any team that will accept him.
    c. All players present for a game must be put in the batting order. EXCEPTION: Manager and any player 80+ years of age are exempt as well as any player injured or ill.

    d. Whenever a new player plays for the first time, he must show I.D. (driver’s license) stating his age to the umpire and deliver a signed insurance waiver to a league Executive Officer. The insurance waiver must include the player’s birthdate.
    All bat hitting area must be of single wall construction, no double wall or all composite bats allowed. All two (2) piece single wall bats with a metal alloy hitting area are allowed . The exceptions to this rule is female players and/or any player that is 75+ years old may use any bat of choice including composite bats. PENALTY: First offense is an out; Second offense is a one (1) game suspension from League play.
    (Revised 3-1-24)