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The Jets and BrokButcher met in the first game today with BrokButcher coming away with a 13-19 win. Both teams were hitting the ball very well but the Jets were not able to post any runs in their last inning of play. The Jets trying to overcome the loss of injured Pitcher Doug Freeman were in the game early despite the fact that many walks put BrokButcher players on base and eventually scoring when subsequent batters were getting base hits. The Jets, again led by Bob Julius with 3 hits, while Dario Serna, Joe Owens, Joe LaMay, Mike Baker, Doug Bagley, Robert Hernandez and Karl Primm all added 2 hits each in the game. Joe Owens had a homerun and Bob Julius a triple, Doug Bagley and Ken King added doubles. No Report from BrokButcher.

The second game had Admiral Risty ending up with a 16-5 win over the Grunions. Risty, led by Rick Mansker, Mike Costa and Richard Ecker all with 4 hits, David Taylor, Clay Collins and Sam Bar all with 3 hits, Wayne Galer and Jim Stevens adding 2 hits each. Costa had 4 rbi’s, Barr with 3 rbi’s, Kiser and Mansker both with 2 rbi’s all achieved in 8 innings of play. Grunions players Jon Chaykowski, Jeff Walsh, Hugh John McDonald and Ken Sackman all had 3 hits, David Inouye 2 hits. Jon Chaykowski had a double bagger.