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The Grunions and the Jets met in the first game of the day. In the later innings pitcher Doug Freeman’s knee buckled while running to first in the seventh inning and took a bad fall. Karl Primm came in relief in the eighth and was perfect taking over for the injured Freeman. In the ninth inning Karl struggled and walked in several runs until he settled down and helped the Jets come away with the win 12-14. The Jets. led by Bob Julius’ and Joe LaMay’s 3 hit day with Bob having 2 triples and a homerun. Steve Kato, Joe Owens, Ward Brown, Mike Baker, Doug Bagley, Robert Hernandez and Kenny King all had 2 hits to propel the Jets for the win. Grunions despite a valiant effort trailing 3-14 after 8 full innings couldn’t overcome the Jets despite the struggles that Primm encountered in the last inning, scoring 9 runs on 4 hits and 7 walks. Grunions led by Derek Loughran with 4 hits and a double, Jeff Walsh 3 hits and Bart Mills adding a double.

The 2nd game of the day saw BrokButcher Realty defeat the Kettle 17-9. No Report from BrokButcher or Kettle as yet