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The 1st contest of the day had the Jets playing against Grunions. The Jets put together a complete offensive attack being victorious by the score of 21- 5 over the Grunion. The Jets were powered by the 4 hit batting of Joe Owens, Bob Julius, Joe LaMay and Doug Bagley, as well as Dario Sernas and Lincoln Chung’s 3 hits each. Steve Kato, Mike Baker, Mike Barnett and Howard Rudich all added 2 hits each in the game. Grunions, although many of their players had a good day batting just couldn’t turn the hits into runs scored. Grunions Ron Rotstein had a 4/4 day, Bart Mills, Joe Rasullo and Audie Freeman all were 3/4 and Jon Chaykoswki and Bob Perkins a 2/3 day Bob with a double.

In the 2nd game today, BrokButcher won 16-11 over the Kettle. The Kettle behind and trailing at one point in the game 15-1 mounted a late comeback but still came up short. The Butcher Boys were still able to score 16 runs despite the Kettlers turning 3 double plays in the game defensively. Leading the way for the Kettle was Mike P, going 4/4. Jon Chapman and Warren Galloway had 3 hits each, and Howard Thompson, Doug Westhoff, Ernie Rounsfell and Mike Abeles all had 2 hits each. No Report from BrokButcher at this time.